A Shiny life, mind, body and soul


Or, as we say in Spain, Flamante. To shine. To sparkle. Everyday life is not always so sparkling, and once in a while, you deserve that little moment of enrichment.  

We’re not here to preach, but after years of research and experimentation, it became obvious to our experts that CBD has more to offer. And that’s why we’re here. Clearer, cleaner-purer, more impactful cannabidiol–tailored to your needs and always environmentally sustainable. Because we take pride in what we do.  


Finding the right CBD oil can be confusing, but why is that?  

Different oil carriers naturally carry different primary compounds, and they affect us in specific ways.

Everyone has different needs, so of course, our oils are thought to meet them. We’ve taken the time to identify the characteristics of each carrier and its effects and sorted them into four key groups: Moodline, Pureline, Hempline and Petline. CBD simple.